Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stupid Angry Birds

So I went to Walmart a couple days ago to pick up a few odds and ends we needed at home. I turned down the canned veggi isle and saw two birds on the ground down towards the other end of the isle. I didn't really pay much attention to them, they'd get out of my way later. I was scoping the racks for the right cans I needed when a Walmart employee came rushing my direction from that same far side of the isle. This sent the birds into escape mode and the only direction they had to go was toward me. One got away just fine but the other one had a struggle lifting off and ended up flying right to where my head would have been if I hadn't ducked. It crashed into the pickle jars and frantically managed to get on top of the shelf where it settled. I caught the eyes of the employee. At first there were no verbal words exchanged between us, just wide eyed looks communicating the "what the heck" confusion going on in our brains. Then the laughter.

I usually go to the store and expect the collisions with other busy shoppers, not birds! But of course, and forgive me for being a little corny, that is life in the unexpected.
Stupid Angry Birds