Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to: Distract Me...

This morning during my first class, I felt my very strong cup coffee kick in. I must have looked like a druggy trying to take my test. My legs were spazzing out. My hands hand an obvious tremor. My heart was racing. It was very distracting to me. Oh, but then the fun continued when I finished my test and left to go practice some piano. I found out today that I cannot play piano when I am on a caffeine high. Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms... Whatever! It won't work!

Where I spend most of my time

That has basically been my life for the past month. I have not disappeared off the face of the earth. I have just been a little busy. (For those wondering what I decided to do with my life, I'm going to finish my music degree!) It has taken some time for me to adjust to my new lifestyle in school and being alone so much. Staying busy kind of distracts me from the fact that I am no longer living with and taking care of 3 other people. I posted before about expecting and empty nest, well now I have the empty nest. Am I supposed to be going through a midlife crisis too?

Josh is in California doing some training for his deployment and won't be back until February 11th. Thankfully, we have skype so it makes communication a little better. The distance is hard and will be harder when he's in Afghanistan but then again it makes me really proud. The job that he's training for is meaningful and will directly affect our freedom and safety. I hate that he has to go, but I'm glad God chose him because I know without a doubt that Josh is the man for that job. Also, here recently me and the other spouses have become a lot closer. It's hard to describe the bond that military spouses have. We haven't known each other long but based solely on our situation, it's more like a sisterhood. Those girls are there for me and I am there for them. We have a bond that is different than other friendships and it keeps us strong.

Coffee, school, and my sister spouses. Three key things to distract me from Josh's deployment.


  1. Kristin, you are absolutely right about those sister spouses. They are very important and you will likely form friendships that will last the miles and years that y'all are in the military. When we were stationed at Sheppard AFB Micheal was gone every 8 weeks for 4-6 weeks for FOUR years. The kids swear to this day that all I fed them when he was gone is oatmeal! Ha!! Those friends, one in particular who is still my best friend, definitely helped the time pass and were there for the emergencies. You can always reach out to Micheal and I as well. Love you!!

    1. I had no idea that you went through that! I will definitely give you a call sometime. Which reminds me, I don't think I have your number. Next time we're at church I'll find you or just I'll just facebook message you. And thanks Alicia. It really means a lot to know that I have people here in San Angelo to help me keep my spirits up. Love you too!
