Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hannah (age 4 and my sister-in-law) loves to sing songs. She also loves to say the weirdest things. She often unknowingly combines these two loves and brings so much amusement into our home. Here are a few:

1.   Me- "This is ridiculous."
      Hannah- "Your face is ridiculous!"

2. The real words of Nickelodeon's Victorious theme song- "You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action."
     Hannah's version- "You don't have to be a part of the breeding action."

3. The real words to Colbie Caillat's I Won't- "I don't want to pretend that you are not my lover..."
    Hannah's- "You are not my brother."

4. The real words to praise and worship song Desert Song- "God is my victory and He is here."
    Hannah's- "God is my victory on a Saturday night."

5. The Farmer and the Dell song...
    Hannah's- "Hi-Ho the dontcha know..."

6. Abandon's song Hero- "He gave His life so we could be free."
    Hannah's- "He gave His life so we could be friends."

There are probably more Hannah-isms that I could list but they have become a normal occurance and I can't remember all of them. I know I have said before that she knows how to drive me crazy. She's 4 so I guess that just comes with the territory. But she also knows how to make me smile and when she does it brightens my day.

Yesterday I was worried about our whole situation with the girls and their mother. Hannah interrupted my thoughts because she wanted to tell me about something she learned at church. She began telling me the story about how Jesus calmed the waters. She got so excited and said,"Guess what Jesus said!?" I shrugged. She replied, "Peace be still." How awesome is it that I just so happened to be tossing and turning in the waves of my worry? And then she comes up and quotes Jesus!

She may say the strangest things but to me they're beginning to make sense.

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